New! The most powerful and versatile Multiworker 12 to date! In addition to upgrading the performance and bollard pull ( more than 7 Tons ) we have added a unique feature to the vessel. A third hull piece easy installed and greatly enlarging deck space and cargo load. Can be added to meet the most challenging demand for a vessel this size. And still container size sections and road transportable!
Interested ? Call or email for further information.
- Vessel type:
- Multiworker 12M support vessel: dismountable, extra mid section now available
- Remarks:
Length  10.30 m or 12M version
Beam    5.05 m/ 7,65M ( 2X or 3X 2,5M parts )
Depth   1.80 m
Draught aft 1.30 m
Main engines Doosan HP340/250Kw
Generator 60Kva
Two fuel tanks 2X 2Cubm capacity with trim function
Propellers: two 4 Blade bronze propellers,             Diameter 900mm in Nozzles
Steering gear Hydraulic
2X Nozzles for increased power
Bollard pull over 7Tons
Protective piping for rudders and propulsion
Moonpool 400mm
Heila 10 t/m hydraulic crane 7.5M Reach
2X 5Ton Coupling winches
1X 10Ton tugger/mooring winchOptional:
4 point mooring system
2 8″ Spuds 8m length can be extended to 16mClass BV hull certificate.
Single hull version in 10/12M also available!
- Asking price:
- Call or email us for more info and pricing!