GENERAL DESCRIPTION CUSTOM BUILD MULTIWORKER HSN3 Basic functions: Multi Purpose vessel, also available as dismountable version ( 3pcs ) For Towing, Pushing, Crane support, cargo and maintenance duties.
Classification: Bureau Veritas
(inland waters, limited sea lane if needed)
- MDH Vessel nr:
- 1420003
- Vessel type:
- MultiPurpose vessel Dismountable
- Dimensions:
- 10.00M Length Breadth O.A: 5.00M (if dismountable halves: Split 2.50M/2.50M) Depth: 1.80M Draught aft.: 1.00M Displacement: 50 Tons
- Propulsion:
- 2X 285Hp/209Kw Twin fixed propellers Diam 0,75M in Kort Nozzles Bollard pull ahead 8 ton(m) (Approx) Speed 7 knots (Approx)
- Capacity's:
- TANK CAPACITY 2 x 2000 liters Fuel/gasoil 1 x 200 liters Hydraulic oil 5.000 liters water ballast 1 x 500 liters Sewage/Dirty oil 1 x 250 liters Drinking water
- Description:
- 1420003
- Remarks:
Main generator set Bilge pumps Fuel transfer pump
Water transfer pump Fresh water pump Sewage pumpDECK LAYOUT
Anchors Pool HHP Type 2x 105 kg Anchor winch Hydraulic/ electric To be negotiated brand and capacity 2X Coupling winches 5Tons approx and bow roller Deck crane Pal.nger 10tm or similar only limited by stability calculations Central E.R. .re .ghting CO2 system Towing post Standard Spuds Spudcans/poles mounted if needed diam 400mm Bowtruster If needed, power: approx 35HP/26KwACCOMMODATION
Dismountable Wheelhouse, controls, spacious seating and toilet The work deck: Hardwood Cover 5cm thick Deck load 3t/m2Options: Stern and Bow roller Towing hook on towing post Free choice of generator power